To assess and monitor a workplace’s environmental management needs, Environmental Management Systems (EMS) are ideal. An Environmental Management System is a system implemented into workplaces which boosts their energy performance and environmental sustainability. An EMS needs to be done in compliance with the ISO 14001 standard.


What’s in an Environmental Management System?

  • Lays out the foundation for the environmental aims.
  • Tracks and measures performance toward reaching these aims.
  • Assesses the current environmental impact.
  • Increases environmental awareness, understanding and communication between all employees.
  • Developing strategies and plans that will meet the aims and objectives.


What are the benefits of Environmental Management Systems?

  • Raise awareness of employees’ individual contributions towards the environment.
  • Saves money on energy bills.
  • Reduces overall impact on the environment.
  • Positively boosts the company’s reputation and performance .
  • Both employees and workplace visitors benefit from a more healthier, clean and eco friendly space.


If you’re a sustainable business, having an EMS is imperative in order for you to satisfy compliance requirements. An EMS will ensure you reach your sustainability aims more quickly, with the added benefits of having smaller bills and less of an impact on the environment.  


Getting certified

By attaining an external EMS certificate, you are adding to your company’s reputation and trustworthiness. In fact, Google was one of the first major companies to gain external ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certifications at all of its U.S. data centres in 2012.


Although you are able to certify EMS yourself, it is advised you take the external certification route as these certifications are better acknowledged by your customers. An external certification also means you are genuine about improving your environmental impact.


Some of the EMS and/or related external certifications include: Eco Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), ISO 14001 and BS 8555.


ISO 14001

ISO 14001 is a globally recognised guideline for EMSs. An ISO 14001 certificate proves that a company is correctly overseeing its ecological and environmental duties.


Eco Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)

A European program, EMAS goes beyond than just the standard environmental requirements. Being EMAS accredited means you have to have proof you’re complying with the correct regulations. You also need to prove you’re satisfying the ISO 14001 guidelines. You’re able to attain both an EMAS as well as an ISO 14001 simultaneously.


BS 8555

The BS 8555 is a British recognised guideline for EMS that is carried out on a gradual basis, with six phases. Because it is done step-by-step, a BS 8555 can be recognised on its own for EMS or can contribute towards an ISO 14001 EMA.


The certifications don’t stop there if you’re dedicated to making your business as safe and sustainable as possible. At SAMS, we offer NEBOSH (National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health) qualifications. One of the most popular health and safety workplace qualifications, NEBOSH exams are taken in over 120 countries around the world. See our NEBOSH Guide to find out more!