Why is this an important month?

Our mental health is so important, providing First Aid for Mental Health is a vital part of any business these days.

Almost 50% of work-related ill health is due to stress, anxiety or depression.  As an employer there is a legal duty of care to ensure the safety, health and wellbeing of all employees.  Not all stress is borne from the workplace, some is created by external factors, but a good employer should always be aware and open to assisting an employee to cope with the stresses they are under, which will not only benefit the employee but their workplace also.

It is important for employees to feel they have an outlet to express their stress and concerns within the workplace and are given the opportunity to discuss any stresses, fears and anxieties in a confidential, receptive atmosphere.  A happy employee is a productive one!

An employer can assist an employee by:

  • Carrying out a stress risk assessment
  • Encourage staff to raise issues bothering them
  • Managing workload effectively; work/life balance
  • Providing sufficient workplace training to do job well
  • Clarifying the work “big picture”
  • Using occupational health specialists where necessary

There are many suggestions to self-improve the effects of stress; a small change can make a big difference:

  • Get moving – any way that makes you feel good, walking, dancing, yoga
  • Get talking – check in with a friend, family, your support network
  • Get creative – write down your thoughts and feelings, draw a picture, play music
  • Get enough sleep – ensure your bedtime routine is constant and wind down sufficiently before retiring to bed
  • Get outside – go for a walk after work, eat your lunch outside, yoga in the garden
  • Get mindful – practice mindfulness, focus on here and now to aid your self-awareness
  • Get breathing – practice deep breathing to move into relaxation mode

Using a combination of the practices above can effectively help an individual to feel more comfortable in the workplace and less stressed moving forward.

For details of our courses, please see: First Aid for Mental Health – 3 courses to choose from