SAMS SMSTS courses are usually conducted through weekly sessions, allowing participants to absorb information gradually. However, every so often we give our students the opportunity to complete their SMSTS class in 5 consecutive days!

As our next SMSTS block course is on next month on February 19th – here are the benefits of going for a block SMSTS course opposed to weekly sessions.

Immersion and Continuous Focus:

One of the first advantages that our students have mentioned, is that a block SMSTS course provide gives them the immersive learning experience. As in, by condensing the course into a block schedule, participants can maintain a continuous focus without the distractions that may arise during weekly sessions. This immersion facilitates better retention of information and may help some participants grasp complex concepts more effectively if participants tend to soak in information better when working under pressure.

The weekly session SMSTS course, would be better for participants that tend to wok better in a more relaxed fashion, and soak in information better after they’ve had a week for the information to absorb.

Reduced Disruption to Daily Work:

For professionals in the construction industry, taking time away from work for training sessions can be challenging. Our Block SMSTS course offers a solution by compressing the training period, minimizing the overall disruption to participants’ daily work schedules. This works for a lot students as they are able to get the course over and done with. Compared to having a regular week disruption. By getting it over with during the week, they are les inclined to forget information and know it’ll be finished within 5 days rather than 5 weeks.

Faster Certification Process:

In the construction industry, time is often of the essence. Block SMSTS courses enable participants to complete the required training in a more time-efficient manner. Rather than spreading the training over several weeks, a block course allows participants to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge more rapidly, leading to faster certification. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with tight schedules or urgent project demands.

Enhanced Networking and Collaboration:

A block SMSTS course creates an environment conducive to networking and collaboration among participants. The continuous presence of the same group over an extended period fosters stronger relationships, encourages the exchange of ideas, and facilitates collaborative learning. This sense of camaraderie can extend beyond the course, creating a valuable network of professionals within the construction management community.

Adaptation to Learning Styles:

Individuals have diverse learning styles, and a block SMSTS course accommodates these differences more effectively. Some participants may prefer an intensive, immersive experience, while others may thrive in a more spaced-out, reflective learning environment. Offering a block course allows for greater flexibility, catering to the various preferences and needs of participants.


The benefits of a block SMSTS course, including immersion, reduced disruption to work, faster certification, enhanced networking, and adaptation to learning styles, make it a compelling option for professionals seeking to elevate their safety management skills. As the construction industry continues to evolve, embracing innovative and efficient training methods like block SMSTS courses is key to staying ahead in ensuring a safer and more compliant workplace.